Manute Bol’s Books


Manute Bol’s Books

Washington, DC


The purpose of “Manute Bol’s Books” is to provide textbooks to primary schools. Providing textbooks for students in South Sudan is one of the ways in which Sudan Sunrise helps fulfill Manute Bol’s dream of providing education to the people of South Sudan, especially it’s children.


With enough textbooks, children could attend school and their education could act as a powerful force for peace building and development of a collective identity. The new South Sudan will only be as strong as its citizens, thus requiring an educated populace which can live and work together to create a peaceful and economically vibrant country. As Manute imagined, achieving this dream begins at an early age.


The Government of the Republic of South Sudan is putting in place an education strategy that promises a more educated and productive future. This future requires textbooks for children today.


Primary schools in the U.S. are updating books. With many schools now entering the digital age, Sudan Sunrise will utilize the large market of used but good condition primary school textbooks. After collection from states across the U.S., textbooks will be categorized, packed, and shipped.


Such a project requires the support of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction in South Sudan; fortunately they have shown great interest and excitement. However, Sudan Sunrise is still awaiting full buy-in from the government. This commitment is crucial because as the greatest stakeholder in this project, the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) will have to take control of the textbook project upon the arrival of books to its borders. The GoSS will need to get the textbooks through customs and find a reliable way to distribute the books throughout the country.


Before the GoSS can distribute textbooks, Sudan Sunrise will work to find a means of shipping the textbooks to South Sudan. Over the past several months, Sudan Sunrise has explored possible partnerships with USAID and Books for International Goodwill. Using what has been learned thus far from the GoSS and other organizations, Sudan Sunrise hopes to launch a pilot shipment of books soon.


The hope of Manute Bol’s Books is that the educational aspirations of all children in South Sudan can be fulfilled. This was Manute’s dream and now it is an aspiration of the South Sudanese people and all those that care about the future prosperity of South Sudan.