Your Donation


What your gift can accomplish:

Sometimes we wonder, “what good can my gift do, when the needs are so great?”

Your gift can make a real difference in the lives of others.  For example:


  • $50 feeds lunch to 900 children per day at the Manute Bol School in Turalei, South Sudan.  For many children this may be their only meal.  The food is provided by the World Food Program, but your gift employs the cooks and the guard for the food storage.


  • $100 will buy 10 kilos of moringa seeds to be planted in South Sudan.  


  • $200 repairs doors for Manute Bol School’s latrines.


  • $250 provides a bench with a table to students so that they do not have to bring their own chairs.


  • $1,000 provides a filling and nutritious lunch to the 900 students for one month at the Manute Bol School in Turalei, South Sudan.


  • $1,200 pays teachers and staff of the Manute Bol School for one month.


  • $2,000 helping refugees help refugees – this provides medication for a refugee clinic in Chad run by doctors who are also refugees from Darfur.


Sudan Sunrise highly values using your gift according to your intentions.  The list above gives you a general idea of what can be accomplished, which is a great deal!  Please look over our projects page and select how you would like your gift to be designated. Contact our staff at ([email protected]) to find out the most current strategic giving opportunities. 

In order to keep administration costs low, Sudan Sunrise does not offer a sponsorship program to sponsor particular students or teachers.


Interested in creating your own unique fundraising page for Sudan Sunrise to share on social media?  Click the button below!