Nuba Youth


Nuba Youth

United States and Nuba Mountains, Sudan


The oppression of the people of the Nuba Mountains of Sudan is one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world today. Over the past two years, Nubans have been victimized by aerial bombardments, ground attacks, and blockades of relief shipments. The Nuba Youth Committee is made up of many leaders from the 2,000 Nubans living in the United States.


In July 2013, The Nuba Youth rallied to bring together over 600 people at Nuba Day in Des Moines, Iowa. At the meeting, members of the Diaspora raising awareness of the humanitarian crisis, training and organizing to be better advocates, and to re-inforce a sense of community by upholding the culture and identity of Nuba. Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail, on behalf of the Nuba Reconciliation Committee, praised the young leaders of the Nuba Youth Committee eloquently, stating, “Regardless of our differences and experiences in life, You were able to demonstrate the meaning of unity and diversity. You all demonstrated a strong leadership and hard work for the sake of our culture and identity as Nuba people.”


Building upon the unity created at Nuba Day 2013, the leaders of the Youth Committee are seeking ways to support education in the Nuba Mountains. They have received information on current educational needs in the area from the Security of Education, and they are planning to launch a major initiative in the near future.


The Nuba Youth are led by President Cheeo Kafi and Vice President Fatma Sudan. Gutti Kanja, the liaison and project director for Sudan Sunrise’s partnership with the Nuba Youth, serves as the secretary for the group.




Project Director







Gutti Kanjam

Project Director